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Our Friends and Associates

The Trustees are grateful to the following for their support for aidgambiaTCHC whether through donations or contributions ‘in kind’ ...

Nel TA - for her expertise and all her valuable time and effort on setting up the framework of the revised website in January 2024 - a great start to the year for the Charity! Many thanks Nel.


TK Chisonga - the African ‘brother’ who runs Revive My Device in Brockley, S.E. London.

TK has now reconditioned over a dozen laptops and a number of mobile phones which Trustees have taken out to The Gambia for the Bursarians; this has had a massive impact and transformed their studies. TK does not charge for his labour and invoices the Charity for software and parts at cost price, He always shows great interest in the work of the Charity.


Alex Higlett- who runs the Pirrip Press in Bristol. Alex designed the iconic aidgambiaTCHC logo which she has put to such good effect in her production of t-shirts, tote bags and business cards. Her work has certainly created a distinctive identity for the Charity.


Dan Simpson - Dan Can Production made early contributions to the website during the Tallinding Health Centre project. Dan filmed videos and contributed many photos to help the work of the Charity become more real and accessible.


Hilary Sinclair - for her generous contribution of time, effort and expertise to the production of the Ours Lives booklet to assist the outreach work in The Gambia.


Linda Gainsborough - for introducing the Charity to Easyfundraising on the web which continues to make such a signifiocant contribution to our finances. From the beginning, Linda has always been an interested critical friend on all aspects of the work of the Charity.


Clare Westwood - Senior Nurse Professional who visited The Gambia to conduct the inspection and prepare the summary review of the 5 year Project in December 2018 - The Tallinding Health Centre Report. She has continued to be a support to clinical staff in The Gambia.

ALL those Easyfundraisers who take the time to shop on-line and raise the contributions. PLEASE keep shopping - your contributions are invaluable!


ALL those making donations of money but also used laptops, phones, clothing and football related equipment. No matter how little it may seem, all of it makes a big difference.


Kololi Beach Club for providing the venue for aidgambia meetings.

GAMBIA Experience for facilitating charity bag allowance on their outward flights.

Donate directly
to our
UK Bank Account

aidgambia The Community Health Charity 

The Co-operative Bank

Account Number: 65660443

Sort Code: 08 92 99

Please give your name as a reference


Click here to send an email for a receipt 

HMRC registered

Gift Aid No. EW31468 

Donate directly
to our
UK Paypal Account

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Thanks so much for your support.
         We truly appreciate it.

aidgambia - The Community Health Charity

Donate your unused laptops, tablets & mobile phones

The students enrolled on a Bendon Bursary struggle with their studies without IT equipment. We aim to supply each student with a suitable lap top or tablet to help them to research, write and present papers.

We are helped in our endeavours by the generous offer from TK at Revive My Device, Brockley, London, who refurbish any equipment at cost price.

Please get in touch with us to arrange collection of any equipment you may have

Contact us by email here including a description of what you have to offer.
MANY thanks.

Raise Donations
Online Shopping

Sign up by visiting and search for aidgambia - The Community Health Charity (TCHC).

Then click support the cause and create your own account.

It only takes two minutes.

When you shop online, always start at the Easyfundraising website or app. You then access the retailer you want to shop with.

Click SHOP NOW and you will be taken to the retailer's website and you shop as normal.

Because you started at Easyfundraising, the retailer will make a  donation to aidgambia TCHC.

For more information....

©aidgambia TCHC

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