Tallingding's Children's Health Centre
The latest activities from the Centre
Every month the Centre manager, TJ, prepares an end of month report that includes all finance and spending. Since July 2016, TJ the Centre Manager, has been using a budget forecasting tool so that the highs and lows of the year can be better anticipated.
After the pump primed funding of the German medical charity Guessenheil.eV stopped in July 2016, it is vital that TCHC is self sufficient with a finance model that reduces its dependence on donations. This is very difficult in a country where there is little or no state assistance so any contributions are always going to have a big impact. It is worth reflecting that 10 tablets of paracetamol cost 50 Dalasi which is virtually one pound sterling. You can get 3 packs of 16 tablets in the UK at the same cost.
The Tallingding Project 2013-18: Finance
The finance principle that TJ the Manager tries to adhere to is that fees paid by the patients cover staff salaries. The target is to raise 1500-2000 Dalasi each day through fees. However, in many months expenditure outstrips income because medicine purchase rises considerably in the rainy season when Malaria is most prevalent. Consequently, In August 2016 fees were raised across the board in order to try an meet the rising cost of medicine during the rainy season: 100 Dalasi for consultation – 15 years and over 50 Dalasi for consultation – 6-14 years 10 Dalasi for below 6 years FREE for 0-1 50 Dalasi for malaria testing if necessary The key, after the initial pump-primed funding provided by the founding German charity Guessenheil.eV, is to maintain sustainability over the long term. TCHC is keen to demonstrate transparency and to demonstrate that it uses all money received for the benefit of its community. Do remember the Centre is community-based and treats ALLcomers, turning no-one away – this leads to an additional hidden cost.
Watch this space!
More to come!
Watch this space!
More to come!
Watch this space!
More to come!
Watch this space!
More to come!
Watch this space!
More to come!