aidgambia Welcomes You
The Community Health Charity

Chair's and Visit Reports
Want more details about what we do? Below, the reports detail the work we have been doing and where our direction may take us. The reports also include updates from our visits to The Gambia where we see first hand the impact of our projects. We invite you to learn more about our efforts and help spread the word about our important cause.

Chair's Report
November 2024
This report was prepared prior to the visit to The Gambia in December 2024.
The report highlights the Bendon Bursary successes as well as introducing new Bursarians.
Youth Health, Widening Participation and Future Initiatives are also covered in the report which can be downloaded below.


Youth Health Cup 2024
Our visit late in 2024 enables us to support the Youth Cup being played on 29th December 2024. This year sees a competative tournament for the U 12s .......

AVIC Academy 3 v Yarambamba Academy 1
AVIC Academy ground so you could say they gained home advantage in their attempt to stop the run of two consecutive victories by Yarambamba Academy!
Full Match report download here
Tech Hardware Donations

Thanks to TK of Revive My Device Ltd., Brockley, London for his generous work refurbishing our hardware donations, we have been able to bring seven pieces of out here to hand over to Bursarians and others who facilitate our funded activities - check back here in the New Year to see pictures of the recipients...

Chair's Report

2024 has been a very successful year for Aidgambia The Community Health Charity (TCHC). As well as celebrating the continued success of Bendon bursarians, we have welcomed three new applicants; we sponsored another very successful Youth Health Cup event organised by Lamin and Bas the lead figures in the respective academies that we support; and significantly there has been progress in the Widening Participation area led by Lamin one of our two Clinical Advisers to the Trustees (CATs). You can download the full report here

Our Roots
Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. We understand that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently. That is why we decided to launch the UK-based aidgambia - The Community Health Charity (TCHC) in 2011 to better support the health care and support of the Gambian community.
The Gambia
Officially the Republic of The Gambia is the smallest country in mainland Africa. Its motto ‘Progress, Peace and Prosperity’ is worthy but The Gambia is one of the poorest countries in the world reliant on a limited agricultural base and with no significant mineral or other natural resources. 75% of the population depends on crops and livestock for its livelihood. 48% of the population is below the poverty line and 10% lives on less than $2 a day. Economic progress remains highly dependent on foreign aid. Lack of good education, poor health facilities and lack of sport and recreation are three of the key areas that hinder development (UNICEF / UNO9659 16/01/2021). The quickest and most effective way to help people in The Gambia is to donate to a charity such as aidgambia The Community Health Charity (TCHC) which prioritises these areas.
Please donate now to help improve health care and awareness in The Gambia.
aidgambiaTCHC is registered with HMRC as a charity for Gift Aid purposes. Charities Reference EW31468. This was confirmed in March 2015, and from that moment, every £ donated by a UK taxpayer gains an extra 25 pence in matched funding (GiftAid)